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With 2 decades of work experience under my belt, the following projects are merely a small sample of the successful client engagements that have been completed.  If you have a challenge and can't find something like it among the following, let me know and I can tell you more about projects I have completed that are analogous to your particular challenges.

Audio Summary of this Case Study

00:00 / 09:19
Add Building Excel User Interface Form

The "Add Building" custom UI with ability to select only the template sections that apply to the building's cost estimate (show what is needed, hide what is not).

Excel Custom Menu Group

Custom "Concrete Strategies" menu group that stays with the workbook

Detailed Automation Progress Notification

Detailed Automation Progress Notification

PROJECT 2: CSI Cost Estimation Tool

CSI had a series of estimating workbooks in Microsoft Excel format that have been in place for several years. These workbooks were part of the natural evolution of creating cost estimates that originated with classic pen & paper tabulations. The workbooks supported the successful capture of many new jobs and allowed for CSI to remain profitable. Although the current workbook format was functional, additional efficiency and data veracity were desired in the production of cost estimates.


  • Potential proprietary solutions did not match up with CSI's business process and nomenclature

  • With the growth of the company, cost estimators and reviewers were tasked with higher quantities of estimates to complete.  Working with the existing workbook was not as efficient as it could be.

  • Each cost estimator had variations in their cost estimation workbooks which complicated the review process

  • Building up estimation worksheets and subsections was a manual, error-prone process

  • Data validation needed to be more proactive to identify issues with cost codes, mixed up units of measure (UoM), out-of-norm rates, etc.


3 screenshots seen at left.  Consists of an enhanced Excel workbook, built from the original source material, to include the following:

  • Standardized templates serve as the error-free source material used in building up cost estimates

  • Template system supports modifications and additions

    • The VBA code is sophisticated enough to dynamically adjust to the inputs given to it without modifying the underlying code.

    • Custom user interfaces manage cost estimate content

  • ​Automated the establishment of auditable formulas for traceability

  • Cost Spread "Deep Dive" allows for a quick look into the underlying supporting data found throughout the other worksheets.

  • Automated validation of unmatched and missing Cost Codes

  • Detailed Automation Progress Notification

  • Custom "Concrete Strategies" menu group that stays with the workbook (not an add-in applied universally to all workbooks in Excel).

© 2024 by Domenico Ruggiero a.k.a. "The Software Maestro"

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