Course Description
Catholic scientists have come from both the laity and those in religious life. Throughout the centuries, they have led scientific discoveries in many fields. In fact, the development of the scientific method was advanced by the well-known Catholic St. Thomas Aquinas.
This course discusses the practical matters of science that are of interest to us all – namely the effects of space weather on our lives, deep studies of the Earth and Sun, predicting the movement of heavenly bodies, and much more – but we also take a Catholic look on scientific topics so we know how to intellectually respond to the common criticisms put forth by a secular society.
An interest in science and a willingness to learn.
Course Outline
Topics are subject to minor changes.
The complementarity of faith and reason
Finding God in an understanding of the heavens – the genius found in highly complex systems
The Galileo vs. Vatican controversy – learn how to respond to the “Catholic Church is against science” fallacy
The Catholic Church’s involvement in the study of Astronomy and other scientific research
A Catholic understanding of the “Big Bang Theory”
Earth isn’t at the center of our solar system, but could the Earth be at the center of the universe?
Discover the related field of Astrophysics:
The physics and chemistry used to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe
How the search for “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter” have lead scientists to a (costly) dead end
How “electric” is the universe?
The importance of and the availability of water in the universe
Space weather effects on the Earth and its impacts on human life
The Earth’s weakening “force field” and the ramifications of a continued downward trend
Magnetic reversals
Famous space exploration missions and their accomplishments
The motion of the planets, comets, satellites, and how to predict eclipses, conjunctions, and more.
Course Materials
No required textbook. Extensive hand-outs and external references will be provided by the instructor.
Students can expect 1 to 3 hours of homework each week to read written articles, watch videos, and to take automated quizzes for immediate feedback. The quizzes will be the primary means of capturing grades from the students based on their comprehension of the provided material. Extra-curricular projects will be encouraged so that the students and their families can take part in location and time-specific events such as astronomical events (i.e., meteor showers, aurora viewing, eclipses) and more.