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Course Description

Computer programming develops creativity, reasoning, and problem-solving in the mind of the student. It provides an opportunity for the programmer to create a completely new piece of software that can be used and shared with others. During development, the programmer thinks through the proper sequence of instructions and logic needed by the computer to execute the program. And when programs don’t perform as expected, problem-solving techniques are utilized to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

The Python programming language is taught in this course is a widely popular modern computer language and one of the easiest computer languages to use (and there are MANY out there). Once the basics of programming are mastered, individuals find it easier to learn more complex programming languages. This course is entry-level and will cover many programming fundamentals for those with little-to-no programming experience or for those that are familiar with programming with an interest in learning the Python programming language. Students will be “writing” executable code very early in the course and build upon their skills throughout the course with an ever-expanding set of commands. Throughout the course, students will have an opportunity to share computer programs of their own design.


This course has an emphasis on gaming aspects of programming utilizing the PyGame module with its graphical interface, ability to utilize a keyboard and/or mouse controls, use of sprites, randomization for changing the user's experience, and more. These Catholic-themed games will promote the child's interest in programming while also reinforcing elements of Catholicism.


Two primary games will be built together with the students but ultimately each student will make the program with their own flair (choice of graphics, sounds, etc.). The first game is a "You Don't Know Catholicism" trivia game with different types of questions and mini-games that allows multiple players to compete while learning more about Scripture, the Catechism, and more. The second game, "Vice and Virtue", is an endurance game that has the player avoiding contact with vices moving on the screen while also encouraging contact with the opposite virtues (which destroy their opposing vices). Other supplemental programs will be provided to students for study and practice.


Helpful but not required: Computer Programming 101 (Recorded). Instructions on how to install the Python programming languages and the PyGame module will be given during the first lecture (free downloads from and Python is available for multiple computer operating systems. The student should have a general familiarity with computers – the ability to open applications, use menu-driven commands, and type using the keyboard – so that the emphasis of time can be placed on specific programming lessons.

Course Outline
  • Lecture 1: Software installation and setup; writing a basic program to test the setup

  • Lecture 2: Drawing lines, shapes, and pictures onto the screen; Working with variables; Randomization

  • Lecture 3: Begin "Vice & Virtue" program; Blocks of code; Using loops to perform repeated actions; Using lists and tuples; Creating animation

  • Lecture 4: Logic conditions of IF and ELSE; Keyboard and mouse inputs

  • Lecture 5: Finish 'Vice & Virtue' program; Reusing code with Functions and Modules; Triggering sounds and playing music; Quiz 1

  • Lecture 6: Begin "You Don't Know Catholicism" program; The use of Classes and Objects

  • Lectures 7-13 (ongoing multiple weeks): Reading & writing data from/to text files; Creating and working with various question banks; Outlining overall program and breaking it down into smaller, manageable pieces; Capturing player information; Establish scoring system; Displaying questions and checking user responses; Adding custom sounds and graphics; Quiz 2

  • Lecture 14: Finish "You Don't Know Catholicism" trivia game; Putting it all together

  • Lecture 15: Presenting student homemade programs creations; General discussion; Closing remarks; Quiz 3

Course Materials

All provided free by the instructor.


Students can expect one to three hours of homework each week outside of the classroom. This is in the form of computer programs that need to be worked on and submitted. Additional time may be needed to experiment with programs of their own design. Periodic quizzes will test their understanding of Python programming.

© 2024 by Domenico Ruggiero a.k.a. "The Software Maestro"

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