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With 2 decades of work experience under my belt, the following projects are merely a small sample of the successful client engagements that have been completed.  If you have a challenge and can't find something like it among the following, let me know and I can tell you more about projects I have completed that are analogous to your particular challenges.

Homeschool Connection Live Catalog
PROJECT 1: Automated Catalog Generation

The annually-produced Homeschool Connections Course Catalog was manually created for the many years since the company's establishment.  This was a labor intensive task that became increasingly burdensome (easily 200+ hours of effort annually) as the business grew with more than 41 instructors and an excess of 250 course offerings.


The solution produces a much-higher quality and useful catalog that also conveys the professionalism that the company represents.  These outputs bring forth higher student enrollment and income.  The time savings and stress reduction by the company's staff represent tangible and intangible benefits that will be realized for many years to come.  And growth of the company can continue without adversely affecting catalog quality because the solution is scalable to any increased quantity of instructors and their courses.

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00:00 / 12:44
Add Building Excel User Interface Form
PROJECT 2: CSI Cost Estimation Tool

CSI had a series of estimating workbooks in Microsoft Excel format that have been in place for several years. The workbooks supported the successful capture of many new jobs and allowed for CSI to remain profitable. 

The solution consists of an enhanced Excel workbook, built from the original source material, to standardize the process, add custom user interfaces and menu groups, establish audits, allow for cost "deep dives", and perform data validation.

Audio Summary of this Case Study

00:00 / 09:19
PROJECT 3: Church Militant "Election Big Board"

As the Church Militant media network grows, there was a desire to upgrade their election coverage capabilities.  In previous election years, results were updated by hand with colored markers on a white board.

The provided solution allowed for a data-driven and interactive touch-screen experience on their "Big Board" with national results, individual state results, polling data, historical results for comparison, integrated charts for visualizing data over time, and a "What-If" Electoral Vote calculator.

Audio Summary of this Case Study

00:00 / 13:15
Church Militant Election SmartBoard huddle
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PROJECT 4: Air Force Purchasing, Inventory, and Manpower Database

An aging and unreliable Air Force database was losing multiple records each day.  Valuable information lost and not to be recovered.

The replacement database, linked to a reliable SQL Server back end, did all that the old database tried to do and much, much more!

Audio Summary of this Case Study

00:00 / 09:57

The Following Project Case Studies are in Development

PROJECT 5: CSI Cost Management Report Automation

The process of building up Cost Management Reports for over 100 jobs became so burdensome that the main POC, Rodney, literally had to sleep in his office one night each week for years.

An automated process performed by "Rod-Bot" (seen at left) replaced his manual efforts and allowed Rodney to return home in time for dinner.

Audio Summary of this Case Study

00:00 / 08:10
Concrete Strategies: Ops Suite

Utilizing Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server, Concrete Strategies now manages Change Order Requests and Quantity Tracking for most of their jobs. Previous surprises in costs and incomplete work have been mitigated with the implemented solution with its improved processes, proactive data validation, and management's ability to have real-time insights into job management.

Concrete Strategies: Power BI

Tapping into the data stored in SQL Server by the Ops Suite, downstream analytical processes utilizing Power BI provide information dashboards for management to review.

Relatu: Post-Event Data Reporting

The Relatu online event website is capable of generating multiple logs of user interactions between attendees and sponsors with their online booths / displays which includes click-through statistics and email addresses. Event sponsors are interested in following up with those attendees in a timely and efficient manner. They also like to know how their booth compared to other booths at the same event. The data in these logs provides this desired information, but not in its raw form. A macro-enabled Excel workbook was built to aggregate the logs into larger datasets for comparative statistics. Subsequent automated processes exported easy-to-digest workbooks for each of the sponsors. The manual effort to do this for large events would have taken days to complete -- which would not have meet the sponsor's expectations of quick turnaround of follow-on leads. The automated process, however, only takes a few minutes to do all raw data imports, perform the aggregate analysis, and export sponsor-specific workbooks. In addition to sponsor satisfaction, the Relatu team isn't bogged down with the manual effort and can focus on more valuable applications of their time.

Defense Health Agency: Post-Certification Process to reach Full Operating Capability

The DHA recognized the need for developing a method for tracking the post-certification process with minimal impact to Market’s and Region’s day-to-day mission and operations. As a result, the Market Self-Assessment (MSA) Tool, a semi-automated Microsoft Access Database was developed to manage and track the process. The MSA Tool encompassed two self-assessments: the Market Capability Self-Assessment and the Functional Self-Assessment. The Market Capability Self-Assessment consisted of conditions illustrating a Market’s and Region’s overall capability in five relevant areas: Demand Signal, Information Technology, Quadruple Aim Performance Plan (QPP), Budget, and MTF Realignment of Personnel, Property, and Systems (RePPS). The Functional Self-Assessment consisted of a comprehensive list of over 40 post-certification conditions developed by the DHA Functional Leads and divided into four larger domains: Administrative, Resource, Healthcare Delivery and Healthcare Operations. The goal of the MSA Tool was to allow for an organized and transparent way to track the overall progress of the DRMs, SSO, and DHARs towards Full Operating Capability.


© 2024 by Domenico Ruggiero a.k.a. "The Software Maestro"

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